USA Edition Cover Art by Kate Slater
Published by Harper, an Imprint of Harper Collins Publishing
Wow! A story as unique as a snowflake.
This is one of those rare books that I instantly hope finds its way to every child's bookshelf, public library & every school in the land.

We are drawn into April's world & learn that usually her 'everyday life was an odd kind of normality'. She also preferred animals to humans. They were just kinder. She loves being outside & we learn quite a lot about young April from the outset, including the tragedy that took her mother away from the family. April was only 4 then. She's grown up with her father, a scientist specialising in meteorology.
Dad's work hours are as unpredictable & erratic as the weather itself, so April has to find ways to keep busy - but she is used to it. Maybe time together in the Arctic with just her & Dad will mean more time to actually go on adventures together.
The fat envelope from Norway that was the start of Dad's decision to go to the Arctic Circle was definitely the beginning of April's best ever adventure but it won't be anything like the adventure she expected.
Everyone is so sure polar bears haven't lived on Bear Island for years. With the ice caps melting away, they've had to find other places to live & continue their struggle for survival. The struggle is real.
A fleeting glimpse of *something* caught April by surprise & she couldn't help the excitement fizzing up in her mind. Could it really be a bear? She was determined to find out but she wishes she could share the excitement (& any other new discoveries) with her busy, preoccupied Dad.
April accepts her Dad's ways & keeps herself busy but they're both a bit lost in grief. Dad's choice of music (played on his beloved record player) even lets April know how he is feeling.
She keeps exploring the island alone. The beach, Walrus Cove & even the few mountains there transformed her new 'outdoor time' & she LOVED it! One of her dreams came true. Which one? Can you even imagine having a picnic on a beach with a polar bear? Did it happen? Do you think polar bears like peanut butter? April's life would never be the same after her arctic experiences & learning that she can make such a difference to the life & future of a polar bear. We discover a lot of factual elements in this wonderful story. Amongst others: the Arctic weather station exists - but operated by several trained personnel, not one man & his young daughter! Bear island is there too, as is Svalbard. There's endless opportunities for discussion in school or home settings from an environmental perspective, beautifully woven into this unique, captivating story. Hannah Gold has given the world a true gem with The Last Bear, her debut novel.