by Louise Candlish Published by Simon & Schuster
Just when you have dared to explore the 3rd or 4th possibility about where this story might go, in your mind, something else makes you form the next one & the next!

There are more twists going on here than you might expect & even if you're a huge fan & seasoned expert when it comes to thriller-style books, I think you'll be surprised.
I was keen to read this as a book club selection because of the genre but also the setting. I used to work in London in a building facing the river & often walked to it via Blackfriars Bridge. I loved seeing the Thames River Taxis going by, throughout the day. To read about them often in this story was a nice bonus.
We learn about each character via details drip-fed to us by others. Preferred boat seats, how long - or not - they'd been acquainted etc.
Of course, there's just a measured amount of information given & the rest we have to somehow park in the curiosity department of our own minds.
Can you imagine a simple friendship sparked between two people enjoying the relative comfort of the river commute could turn into something dangerous or criminal?

The writing style keeps us turning pages & leads the reader to believe these are just people we could be sitting opposite during a journey to work any day of the week. Soon it's apparent we have to question everything but there are several surprises along the way.
With so much more planning behind this crime & plot than we might be able to imagine, it's a challenge to spot the clues. DC Parry and DC Merchison question Jamie, our narrator but how reliable are any members of this trio - or anyone we meet along the way?
You need to keep your wits about you as you venture through this one!