by Kereen Getten
Cover Illustration by Alette Straathof
Published by Scholastic UK
Part of *Voices*
'A series of gripping adventures that reflect the authentic, unsung stories of our past'.

*There were thousands of black Britons in the 18th Century but
almost no account of their lives exists*

Can you even imagine living in a world where people treating you like you're nothing - or a 'thing' that can be sold to someone else as a servant or slave - was part of your day? Every day.
The sound of an actual whip being cracked & used by a man hired to control slaves - human beings, treated worse than dirt - is such a shocking thought. So many youngsters won't even be aware that events represented in this book actually happened. Let's change that!
Ruth & her lighter-skinned sister Anna live on a huge plantation where they experience the life they can, based on colour & parents' position in the world. Sneaking outside to run amongst the 12ft high sugar cane & fields is a rare chance to feel free. Anna spends her days in full, pretty dresses with frills & bows whilst Ruth is banished to the scullery to work & keep out of sight.
At one point (to her extreme humiliation) she's even put on show by the Lady of the house, as a slave in rags to 'impress' her party guests. It's a desperately sad but raw reflection on the unimaginably cruel treatment, once rife in so many places.

Fearing for their future, Anna & Ruth are sent to England - a treacherous, month-long, nauseating journey - but it isn't quite the picture-perfect land they expected.
Though the sisters are together their lives aren't even equal in Jamaica, purely because of their skin colour. How will things change in England? Ruth, with her darker skin tone, always felt she didn't have a voice. Nobody asked her anything & they definitely didn't want to hear her thoughts or opinions.
The grey, dull streets of London have squashed-together houses & echo with horses' hooves but nothing looks promising. After the cruel environment of their challenging beginnings can these inseparable sisters find new strength, a place to belong & a community to help them have a say in their future?
"You have to search for pieces of joy wherever you are." Words we can all learn from.
This tale will open your eyes & your heart. Sisterly love meets wonderful story-telling & historic background of painful truth.
Let's hope this VOICES series spreads its wings & reaches many people - children & adults alike.
*Graphics used with permission from Scholastic UK*
*Photo: Casey's Pages*