by Maz Evans
Illustrations by Jez Tuya
Cover Design by Helen Crawford-White
Published by Chicken House Books
You must be VERY careful about what you tell a Spy!
Before we think about that, let's take a moment to admire this cover art & design.
An actual Spyhole.
In. The. Cover. Genius!

We have so many layers of this story to explore:
Vi (Valentine Day) lives with her mum, a retired Super-Spy. Nan lives with them & is also a retired Super-Spy. That's the first two surprises but strap yourself in & get ready for SO many more!
Vi has grown up without her Dad for the last 10 years. Her mum, Easter (a.k.a. Susan), spent all that time doing her very best to protect Vi from the secretive, crazy spy world.
School isn't Vi's favourite place but her favourite teacher, Mr. Sprout, is about to marry her mum. This means also gaining a step-brother, Russell, who's already at Vi's school.
A feisty girl, Vi knows what she wants. She's quite determined to go to Rimmington Hall, prestigious spy school, but it isn't even remotely an option according to her mum. Nan on the other hand, secretly helps with a plan. Vi just has to find the right mission & prove she has the skills.

*What could possibly go wrong?*
Another question: What perilous situation could you solve with a catapult & a barbie doll?
You'll have to read to find out!
Russell has a robot called Agadoo that might end up being a 3rd new family member. They go to BlitzBots practice after school. Agadoo sometimes malfunctions, plays random 80s music on its old-style tape deck, acts as a listening device & is also supposed to carry the rings for the wedding.
This story has such skilful use of fabulous humour wrapping together all the elements of adventure, imagination & the Spy World. There's an eclectic ensemble of fascinating characters: Femme-fatale, Siren. Auguste is a clown & Dimitri, a vampire. Dr. Doppleganger is a two-headed villain who argues with himself!

Everything changes after a shocking discovery Vi makes about her Dad. Feeling left out, Vi sees a chance to acquire a 'phone. All her friends have one... so, why not?
She's also doing the environment a favour. Or is she? Vi would never be malicious, but what CAN she do?
Have you heard the word putpocket? It's a great word. It's Vi's word.
Have you ever had your own #Hashtag? Isn't that the coolest thing? But what would you do - or give up - to feel cool? Vi has to make a choice & it will make her rethink a few things. A story that will keep you glued to the pages & rushing to see how or if the next exciting crisis will be averted. In Norton-on-Sea (a.k.a Nothing-to-See) Vi might think life is ordinary & boring but this action-packed, humour-filled story will change even Vi's mind. We're excited there'll be another instalment so we can see where life takes Vi & the whole cast.