by Mark Watson
Published by Harper Collins
Cover design by Claire Ward Cover Photo: plainpicture/RudiSebastian
This could be one of the most difficult ideas to put into a book but Mark Watson has given this story a style that has managed to keep me interested & reading with more enthusiasm than I expected!

A unique concept can & should be interesting but that alone doesn't make a great book. The actual storyline, characters & writing must do most of the work. The way this book is presented with its short opening chapter - an unusual, shocking text message from James to all 158 contacts in his 'phone - the stage is set for an unpredictable story with many contributors.
Of course, people located in various geographical locations will read the text at different times.
How many will reply?
We get to see both strengths & weaknesses of the human psyche explored through this unusual book. After sending his text, James turns his phone to flight mode. He's already controlling how his next several hours on the sleeper train can play out, preventing contact from anyone else. James might be at his rock bottom & his apparent plan to end his life will stew in his mind during his long, overnight journey.
Were there glimpses of a downward spiral for James or anyone else along the way? Are friends supposed to see this stuff as it happens or is everyone living in their own, blinkered world? He seems to have people in his life but maybe we're only seeing a percentage of their actual characters.
Readers might be in two camps about this story & style, but especially the denouement... will be either a surprise or a slightly shocking outcome. Either way, I feel it's been a great read.