by Emma Christie
Published by Welbeck Fiction Limited
(part of Welbeck Publishing Group)
Secrets can shatter people's worlds. Secrets can create people's worlds.

I wasn't sure what to expect from this book but it's good to step out & read something different once in a while! Nothing could have prepared me for the twists & turns that presented themselves or the way they appeared.
Emma Christie introduces us to these complex characters & we instantly need to know more about them & how they fit into the puzzle.
But this puzzle has no picture on the box to guide you. Just wait!
Initially, we know there's a missing daughter but fragile threads of family, friendship, heartbreak, tragedy, belonging & acceptance run parallel then intertwine with an urgency that keeps your curiosity dancing & you just have to keep reading.
You'll be pulled in by a writing style & effective pace delivering action that plays with your mind. A buzz of questions emerges.
It's shocking what can evolve from a view through a steamy café window. An excellent debut. Keep an eye on Emma Christie's future titles.